Check out the CerviPedic Blog!
At CerviPedic, we are dedicated not only to providing high-quality cervical support products but also to fostering a community of knowledge and wellness. Our blog is designed to be a resource for anyone seeking information about neck health, pain relief, and the benefits of our innovative products.
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Get to know our products in-depth! We’ll explore the features and benefits of the CerviPedic Neck-Relief™, including tips on how to maximize its effectiveness. Discover how our innovative design can help you achieve better neck health and overall wellness.
Wellness Tips
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Neck Relief Made Easy: How to Ease Tension and Feel Great Every Day
Modern life is tough on our necks, hours spent hunched over screens or slouched in awkward positions can leave you with tension headaches, stiff...
Caring For Your Neck and Spine While Playing Pokemon Go
Tips From Your Trusted Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Marysville If you play a fair amount of Pokemon Go, a trip to your upper cervical chiropractor...
Pokémon Go can be a real pain in the neck!
You may have noticed strange new creatures roaming the streets of Denver this month. They can be spotted wandering our streets, our parks, and our...
What Is Text Neck? ‘Pokémon GO’ Tagged In Painful Condition That Has Become Widespread Recently
Long hours spent on smartphone use could lead to a painful condition that affects the neck. Photo: Getty Images/Gareth Cattermole Ever since...
How Poor Posture Causes Neck Pain
Most neck pain that is not caused by whiplash or other trauma has a postural component as part of the underlying problem....
Dolor de cuello crónico: ¿qué afección está causando mi dolor de cuello?
ando lBy John Heller, MD – Peer Reviewed Existen muchas afecciones que pueden causar un dolor de cuello crónico. La información...
Tipos de dolor de cuello
By John Heller, MD – Peer Reviewed Aunque el dolor de cuello (en la columna cervical) es menos común que la lumbalgia (en la columna...
What is Neutral Spine Alignment and Why Is It So Important?
What is Neutral Spine Alignment? Neutral Spine Alignment is when your pelvis, rib cage and skull are in alignment with each other. When in...
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash
If you have neck pain caused by whiplash, you may want to visit a chiropractor who can provide many nonsurgical treatment options for relief....
Posture – Health Facts
Posture is the “alignment of body parts in relation to one another at any given moment. Posture requires the interaction between bones, muscles,...
Forward Head Posture
The 42 Pound Head By: Erik Dalton, Ph.D. “For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an...
Cervical Exercise – Neck Pain Relief
Source: – administered by The North American Spine Society Important: If you have had an accident that started...
The Impact of Slouched Posture
The Impact of Slouched Posture: A Chiropractor’s perspective. By Jasper Sidhu, BSc, DCSource: Dynamic Chiropractic...